Thursday, October 31, 2013

Selected Papers 103113

calcium, ER, plasma membrane
Ca2+ Release-activated Ca2+ Channel Blockade as a Potential Tool in Antipancreatitis Therapy
hGAAP Promotes Cell Adhesion and Migration via the Stimulation of Store-operated Ca2+ Entry and Calpain 2
An ER‐peroxisome Tether Exerts Peroxisome Population Control in Yeast
Ca2+ Channel Nanodomains Boost Local Ca2+ Amplitude
Wnt5a Directs Polarized Calcium Gradients by Recruiting Cortical Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Cell Trailing Edge

Bit-by-bit Autophagic Removal of Parkin-labelled Mitochondria
Diverse Autophagosome Membrane Sources Coalesce in Recycling Endosomes

Statistical Mechanics of Pluripotency [perspective]

cell biology
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Plant Cells Emerges Naturally by Microfilament Self-organization
A Cost–benefit Analysis of the Physical Mechanisms of Membrane Curvature
Membrane-Sculpting BAR Domains Generate Stable Lipid Microdomains
Analysis of the Local Organization and Dynamics of Cellular Actin Networks
Robustness and Compensation of Information Transmission of Signaling Pathways

developmental biology
Positional Information, in Bits

Emergence of Structural and Dynamical Properties of Ecological Mutualistic Networks
Resource Heterogeneity can Facilitate Cooperation
Bounded Population Sizes, Fluctuating Selection and the Tempo and Mode of Coexistence

Quantifying Spatial Structure in Experimental Observations and Agent-based Simulations Using Pair-correlation Functions
Counting Molecules in Single Organelles with Superresolution Microscopy Allows Tracking of the Endosome Maturation Trajectory

synthetic biology
Dynamically Reshaping Signaling Networks to Program Cell Fate via Genetic Controllers
Self-organized Optical Device Driven by Motor Proteins



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