Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Selected Paperes 123113

Emergence of Macroscopic Directed Motion in Populations of Motile Colloids

cell biology
An Excitable Signal Integrator Couples to an Idling Cytoskeletal Oscillator to Drive Cell Migration
The Autophagosome: Origins Unknown, Biogenesis Complex [review]
The Biophysics and Cell Biology of Lipid Droplets [review]
Peroxisomes Take Shape [review]
Changes in Cytoplasmic Volume Are Sufficient to Drive Spindle Scaling
Cytoplasmic Volume Modulates Spindle Size During Embryogenesis
Memory and Modularity in Cell-fate Decision Making
Rho GTPases Orient Directional Sensing in Chemotaxis
KaiC Intersubunit Communication Facilitates Robustness of Circadian Rhythms in Cyanobacteria
The Bacterial Cell Division Proteins FtsA and FtsZ Self-organize into Dynamic Cytoskeletal Patterns
Apart from Its Known Function, the Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPase can Regulate Ca2+ Signaling by Controlling Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate Levels

developmental biology
ERK as a Model for Systems Biology of Enzyme Kinetics in Cells [review]
Directional Tissue Migration through a Self-generated Chemokine Gradient

cancer biology
Emergence of Spatial Structure in the Tumor Microenvironment due to the Warburg Effect

The Hidden Geometry of Complex, Network-Driven Contagion Phenomena

Single-molecule Superresolution Imaging Allows Quantitative Analysis of RAF Multimer Formation and Signaling
Intracellular Mini-binders [perspective]
Resolution Doubling in Fluorescence Microscopy with Confocal Spinning-disk Image Scanning Microscopy

synthetic biology
Tuning the Range and Stability of Multiple Phenotypic States with Coupled Positive–negative Feedback Loops



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